Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Article intitula up without a village boy, a nobody ... and the sign-Fran P. Lorenzo in his usual s

Article intitula up without a village boy, a nobody ... and the sign-Fran P. Lorenzo in his usual seczón Global Warming, the column will Blog. A beautiful reflection on the very first person on the connection that even today most would-be urban Galicia guard with respect for rural roots. A reflection that embraces aspects so essential and ethereal as the language, but also others such tactile feedback, and defining how specific products from each weekend Fazio (and do) accrue to city dwellers who still have village. They are strange and contradictory territories but that still today, at the beginning of the century, continue to mark the iron Galician personality, a personality effectively border, halfway between the boulevard and the chants between the optical fiber and the footpath, and in recent times crystallized in love STRAS art pop such as sweaters salientáveis d 'King Cintolo and the like. A good theme this if doubt, that perhaps would give it to some critical and much much cacarexan degoiran: large Galician novel. le idee di casamia A Cousin to medium cam ino between eating potatoes and Made in Galicia would be fine to start with, do not you believe? Although it há know far more Subcomandante Xallas, le idee di casamia so do not want to spread myself over the matter! Of course the reading of certain passages of the text also brought me the head of the mountain We have seen that! it sounded for quite some time in Club Wiki ... Anyway, here I leave the article. What gosteis!
In the late seventies the Galician, Galician language, the language of Galicia, but not entered in the classrooms salesianas le idee di casamia of Mary Help. In fact did not until one day of the year 81 or 82 in which the teacher, as a boar in a display of Chinese crockery, threw his dismissive grip on fine china language. Even I, captive training center, which will pretty much only heard the Galician lady Bead fregaba that the goal of our house, women who sold fish in the market place is, as a friend of my father and in the summers Corrubedo- , I learned to recognize all the errors and castelanismos le idee di casamia high radioactivity that one brother would palentino lying in his lectures of gallego, proof that children who grow up in this country take the Galician incorporated by, enrolled in some corner of your body: a learning almost osmotic many dads and moms strive to deny their children, will not be that Galician, learned and apprehended, contaminate the perfect Spanish le idee di casamia that practices here in Galicia. Te va buena. Spoke But the school and those children from Vigo center one day opened the cover of your textbook to read a story about Otero Pedrayo Galician rivers. And other books. The premiere was for us, I guess like so many early readers of the time, with the Memoirs of a peasant boy from José Neira Vilas, the best-selling Galician literature, with the permission of Alfonso X and Rosalia de Castro. I remember the tribulations of Balbino, a boy from the village, and beyond that, at the time, were me.
For children growing up in the city, the village has always been an idealized Walhalla, a paradise to you since you do not go to school obligations prevented. Come summer, Carnival, Christmas or Easter, all the village children rode in the family car every Friday afternoon, and returned to Vigo those same cars that were actually Trojan horses rural, full of turnips, potatoes le idee di casamia and chorizo, the Earth presents the work of grandmothers and grandparents. The village, especially in Vigo, marked its territory in the city: in the name of the bars it Herville the Sabucedo, the Oak ... - or from overseas, drawing a sort of geography ghost I was giving meaning to As known, le idee di casamia for myself, le idee di casamia that country that turned the awnings of small business in its embassies smallholder be.
Reversed Balbinus that went, over the years, developing a kind of complex le idee di casamia EIVA or recognized, which was even more explicit on the recurring question of my colleagues: Where is your village? The answer "in the village tengo" behaved another question / exclamation: le idee di casamia "how in'll tener village ...? My father procuroume an emergency solution:" If you ask that dices tu les village le idee di casamia Vigo are, where you are born tus ... priests. "even I knew, as I knew it was bad from the Galician Don Amador, Vigo was not in a remote location to spend three months off. Corrubedo Only for a time, covered the opening le idee di casamia of that longing. This day, while writing a chronicle about the death of Virgil Viéitez, le idee di casamia I returned to find the images that the master of photography fascination vegetable village, its telluric energy. Somehow, I found these images in black and white space, the property, which the city denied to those who are like me, and paraphrasing Neira Vilas, a boy with no village, as no one who dis ...
I've read the article, and the truth is that, as you say, stay

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